
Evento Video 2020

Small and family business (SIMA)

Longevità, sensibilità al rischio e familiness nelle imprese familiari: una cluster analysis

Salvatore Esposito De Falco, Francesco Mirone, Domenico Sardanelli, Eduardo Esposito
Il presente lavoro si focalizza sulla longevità delle imprese familiari, individuando nella sensibilità al rischio e nella sensibilità alla familiness, due fattori chiave per la loro sopravvivenza....
#Familiness #Imprese Familiari #Longevità #Passaggio generazionale #Sensibilità al rischio
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

Raccolta di fondi nel Crowdfunding Reward-Based: Il ruolo delle tipologie di prodotto

Francesco Cappa, Stefano Franco, Edoardo Ferrucci, Riccardo Maiolini
  Questa ricerca vuole esplorare il fenomeno del RBCF, che è il tipo di crowdfunding più popolare in termini di numero totale di progetti avviati e raccolti (Belleflamme et al., 2014; Bretsc...
#crowdfunding #Product Development #Reward-Based Crowdfunding
Marketing ( SIMA)

Sostenibilità ambientale e food packaging. Il ruolo del materiale nel processo di acquisto

Donata Tania Vergura, Cristina Zarbini, Beatrice Luceri, Guido Cristini 
Lo studio si propone di arricchire la conoscenza sul ruolo del materiale del packaging nel processo di acquisto    
#: materiale del packaging #atteggiamento #disponibilità a pagare #intenzione d’acquisto #qualità percepita #rischio percepito
Marketing ( SIMA)

Marketing GI Products in the Digital Age. An exploratory study

Chiara Bartoli
  This work aims to explore the impact of digitalization on the marketing of GIs.  
#marketing #PDO #PGI #Typical products
Operations and supply chain management 2

The impact of sustainability orientation on firm propensity to ally

Stefano Romito, Angeloantonio Russo, Clodia Vurro
  The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of firm sustainability orientation, defined as the overall proactive strategic stance of firms toward the integration of environmental and soci...
#Alliance Formation #Stakeholder Management #Sustainability orientation
Operations and supply chain management (SIMA/ADACI)

Responsible management: A cutting edge for sustainability in the fashion supply chain

Kunle Francis Oguntegbe,  Nadia Di Paola, Roberto Vona
  The globalisation of businesses coupled with the proliferation of actors has heightened the risk of information asymmetry and unsustainable practices in the supply chain    
#digital technology #Responsible management #sustainable supply chain management
Retailing &Service Management (SIMA)

Does Country image impact retail brand equity? A multi-cue analysis

Elisa Martinelli, Francesca De Canio
  This study investigates the factors affecting retail brand equity (RBE) when a multi-cue approach is applied, that is: considering traditional RBE antecedents (e.g. retail brand awareness, r...
#brand awareness #brand image #country image #discounter #retail brand equity #SEM
Retailing &Service Management (SIMA)

Cashback programs in ecommerce retailers: the choice between pure cashback and donation

Alessandro Signorini
    A cashback program can be defined as an incentive strategy that is offered to consumers of certain products and services by which they receive a cash refund when they accomplish a ...
#Cashback #corporate sponsorship #donations #loyalty programs
Innovation and Technology Management (SIMA)

La gamification a supporto dei processi di reclutamento e formazione delle risorse umane. Evidenze da un multiple case study

Francesca Iandolo, Irene Fulco, Francesca Loia, Pietro Vito
  Il paper, dopo aver fornito un inquadramento teorico del concetto di gamification, si propone di analizzare le opportunità di utilizzo del game thinking nell’ambito della gestione delle r...
#Conoscenza “T-Shaped” #Formazione #Gamification #Multiple Case Study #Reclutamento #Risorse Umane
Sustainability (SIMA)

Circular Economy strategies for healthcare sustainability: some insights from Italy

Roberto Vona, Silvia Cosimato
Over the recent years, healthcare organizations together with international and national policymakers have developed actions and plans pointing to better manage economic, social and environmental reso...
#Circular Economy #Healthcare #Sustainability #Waste management
Innovation and Technology Management (SIMA)

Resource-constrained innovation at the BoP: evidences from a digital startup

Laura Michelini, Alessia Pisoni, Gloria Martignoni
Economic downturns, keen competition, the pursuit of growth in developing and emerging markets, and new pressures for sustainable products are attracting the interest of scholars also in relation to a...
#Bottom of the Pyramid #Frugal approach #Learning #Resource combination #Resource-constrained Innovation #Startup
International business (SIMA)

International Voluntary Employee Churn Revisited. The Predicting Power of Applying Machine Learning Techniques

Valerio Veglio, Michael Nippa, Rubina Romanello
This study investigates the predictive power of machine learning techniques in predicting the voluntary employees churn in the context of high tech multinational corporations.
#Decision Trees #Employee’s Churn #Machine Learning #Multinational Corporations
Retailing &Service Management (SIMA)

How to keep the momentum and support the Italian NHS adopting innovation and delivering innovative services

Paola Roberta Boscolo, Laura Giudice , Erika Mallarini, Valeria Rappini
  In the last few weeks, we have witnessed an unprecedented effort to develop technological solutions to respond to the Covid-19 health emergency, with most of the typical barriers to innovati...
#adoption #Covid-19 #diffusion #digital #emergency #Healthcare #innovation #technology
Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (SIMA)

Beyond the R&D Unit. An Exploratory Study of Corporate Innovation Initiatives in Large Established Organizations

Cristina Marullo, Isabel Estrada Vaquero, Alberto Di Minin
  In this study we explore the portfolio of innovation activities used by large companies in the context of their innovation strategies. The objective is to enhance current knowledge on how la...
#corporate innovation strategies #exploitation #exploration #incumbents
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

Exploring and comparing the impact of reward crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding on company performance

Ciro Troise , Elena Candelo, Diego Matricano, Mario Sorrentino
  Crowdfunding is a new opportunity for entrepreneurs to raise capital from non-professional investors. In the last few years, crowdfunding has experienced a high growth rate, and its global m...
#company growth #crowdfunding #entrepreneurs #innovation capability #reward; equity
International business (SIMA)

Digitalization, sustainability and internationalization: Competing or complementary growth paths in SMEs?

Stefano Denicolai, Antonella Zucchella, Giovanna Magnani
This study analyses whether a sustainability orientation alters – and under which conditions – the impact of digitalization on the international performance of SMEs. In particular, we explore the ...
#Artificial Intelligence Readiness #Export Intensity #SMEs #Sustainable Development
Marketing ( SIMA)

Something old, something green! A study on the relationship between Vintage Marketing and Sustainability in the Italian Agri-food sector

Annunziata Tarulli, Domenico Morrone, Pierluigi Toma
This research aims to find out the possible relationship between the “nostalgia effect” (related to Vintage Marketing topic) and sustainability applications (declined in its environment, social an...
#Agri-food #green #marketing #nostalgia #vintage; sustainability
Sistemi locali, ecosistemi e sistemi basati sulla conoscenza

Approccio burocratico versus approccio imprenditoriale: il caso dei Living Lab della rete ENOLL

Mariacarmela Passarelli, Domenico Mazzotta, Alfio Cariola e Gaetano Cupido
Il presente lavoro è lo starting point di un progetto “in-progress”, finalizzato ad offrire un contributo alla letteratura esistente sui Living Labs; allo stesso tempo si pone l’obiettivo di of...
#approccio burocratico #approccio imprenditoriale #coordinatori #Living Lab
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

“Sono super, finanziami!” L’impatto del narcisismo imprenditoriale sulle scelte di finanziamento di Business Angel e Venture Capitalist

Simona Leonelli,  Francesca Masciarelli
    Le start-up sono nuove aziende di piccole dimensioni e in forte fase di sviluppo. Esse spesso propongono idee, prodotti e servizi altamente innovativi e le loro principali preoccup...
#Business Angel #Cina #finanziamento delle start-up #imprenditorialità #narcisismo dell’imprenditore #Venture Capitalist
Innovation and Technology Management (SIMA)

Gli Assistenti Vocali agli occhi dei millennials: un’indagine esplorativa

Michela Patrizi, Maria Vernuccio, Alberto Pastore
   Gli assistenti vocali (AV) sono tecnologie dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA) in grado di simulare le capacità umane di comprensione e interpretazione del linguaggio attraverso l’inte...
#antropomorfismo #Assistenti vocali #benefici #cluster analysis #EFA
Retailing &Service Management (SIMA)

Service innovation in the wine sector: evidence from Sicilian firms

Mariapia Cutugno, Tindara Abbate , Fabrizio Cesaroni
  The main objective of this work is to investigate the role assumed by universities in supporting small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in the development of innovative processes o...
#low-tech SMEs #Services #university #wine sector
Sistemi locali, ecosistemi e sistemi basati sulla conoscenza

Key Performance Indicators per una rete oncologica regionale. Verso un modello multilivello

Attilio Bianchi, Andrea Caporuscio, Luca Cataldo, Egidio Celentano, Anna Crispo, Maria Grimaldi, Daniele Leone, Giorgio Liguori, Sandro Pignata, Giorgia Rivieccio, Francesco Schiavone, Michele Simoni, Cristina Thiebaud
Da lungo tempo la valutazione e la gestione della performance sono argomenti cruciali per le organizzazioni sanitarie (Voelker et al., 2001; Pirozzi e Ferulano, 2016). Le reti socio-sanitarie sono div...
#assistenza sanitaria #capitale intellettuale #Key performance indicator #oncologia #reti socio-sanitarie
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

The attachment to a social purpose as leverage for change: the case of the first B Certified Corp in Spain

Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez
To present the case of two young rural entrepreneurs who gave birth to a company known today as Alma Natura Social S.L., certified in 2013 as the first B Corporation in Spain, an international movemen...
#B Corp #Corporate Social Responsibility #entrepreneurship #purpose #Rural Development #Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainability (SIMA)

Industry 4.0: challenge or opportunity for social sustainability in firms?

Michela Piccarozzi, Barbara Aquilani
  The term Industry 4.0, which is currently widely used worldwide, refers to a series of technological innovations that in recent years have above all transformed industry and businesses. ...
#impact #Industry 4.0 #social sustainability #Sustainable Development #systematic literature review
Operations and supply chain management 2

SMEs @ Industry 4.0: A comparison between top and average performers

Marco Bettiol, Mauro Capestro, Eleonora Di Maria, Stefano Micelli
In the recent years, industrial landscape is undergoing a deep technological transformation that concerns the full digitalization of business processes (Frank et al., 2019a). The peculiar feature of t...
#comparative multivariate analysis #competences #digital transformation #Industry 4.0 #SMEs #strategy; financial performance
Sustainability (SIMA)

Sustainability, Innovation and Biological Technology in Wine Production: An Empirical Analysis

Nicola Cobelli, Margherita Angioni, Fabio Musso
The agri-food industry is strongly connected to environmental issues of sustainability; the very concept of quality agri-food goes hand in hand with the development of crops and production methods tha...
#choices of adoption #innovation #organic wine #UTAUT
Operations and supply chain management 2

In search of new tools for improving transactional processes. A manufacturing case study

Piero Gabberi, Andrea Chiarini
Lean production and total quality management (TQM) have surely introduced several tools and principles which have rapidly spread into all kinds of industries. There are a variety of companies that hav...
#case study #Makigami #process mapping #VSM
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

Business models and sustainable firms: a focus on B Corps in Italy

Eleonora Di Maria, Valentina Demarchi, Ambra Galeazzo, Elena Bonel
An increasing number of companies are becoming aware of the need to combine economic goals with the achievement of social and environmental goals (Porter and Kramer, 2006). Research on sustainability ...
#B Corp #business models #social impact #strategy #Sustainability
Looking for resilience along value creation processes

Value co-creation processes: a problematization approach

Beatrice Re, Giovanna Magnani
Since its introduction, Prahalad and Ramaswamy’s concept of value co-creation has represented a milestone in scholarly conversations in service science, management and innovation research. In partic...
#co-creation #ecosystem #process #systematic literature review #value
Entrepreneurial universities and academic entrepreneurship

Torino City Lab, an open innovation participatory ecosystem. The city works with entrepreneurial universities in shaping the smart city ecosystem

Valentina Cillo, Nicola Farronato, Veronica Scuotto, Marco Pironti, Paola Pisano, Manlio Del Giudice
Our work introduces an open innovation participatory system by a holistic case study of one of the most innovative Italian city, that is Turin.
#ecosystem #entrepreneurial universities #open innovation #smart city #Torino City Lab
Knowledge transfer, exchange and circulation

Knowledge spillover among Italian cities: the impact of youth entrepreneurship and high-tech firms on cities attractiveness

Filippo Marchesani, Francesca Masciarelli
Economics and economic geography have progressively focused on the role of spatial and network ties regarding human and intellectual capital and relate them to innovation and economic growth. Withi...
#Agglomeration Economies #Economic Development #Human Capital #innovation #Knowledge Spillover #Universities
Operations and supply chain management (SIMA/ADACI)

Supply chains network during a global crisis: Covid-19 emerging challenges

Alessandro Cinti, Andrea Sabatini,  Gian Luca Gregori
The COVID-19 outbreak emerged in China in November 2019 and spread rapidly to almost all over the globe. It presents several emerging challenges for the global economy. It is not the first time th...
#Covid-19 #Epidemic outbreak #Pandemic plan #Resilience #Risk management #Supply Chain
Sustainability (SIMA)

ESG Criteria in the Banking Industry: A Systematic Literature Revie

Sebastian Pusceddu, Corrado Gatti
Sustainable development has raised, in recent decades and especially after the global financial crisis, the interest of policy makers, managers, academics and, in general, stakeholders. As a multiface...
#Banking Industry #Corporate Governance #ESG #Funding #Solvency #Sustainability
Marketing ( SIMA)

Bridging the gap between sales and marketing: The role of digital content marketing strategy

Elisabetta Monti, Chiara Ancillai,  Federica Pascucci
The academic literature has devoted increasing attention to the sales-marketing integration(e.g., Cespedes, 1993; Kotler et al., 2006; Rouzies et al., 2005; Sleep et al., 2018), which is defined as ...
#business-to-business marketing #digital content marketing #interface #sales-marketing integration
Marketing ( SIMA)

La risposta emotiva del consumatore alle attività promozionali

Francesca De Canio,  Davide Pellegrini
Il presente lavoro di ricerca propone, da un punto di vista teorico ed empirico, l’analisi della risposta emotiva del consumatore a diverse alternative promozionali oggi disponibili sul mercato. Inf...
#Cash-back #Comportamento del consumo #Programmi fedeltà #Raccolta punti #Risposta emotiva #Sconto alla cassa
Marketing ( SIMA)

Product Authenticity: Dimensions from the Agri-foodstuffs producers’ side

Veronica Marozzo, Alfonso Vargas-Sanchez, Tindara Abbate, Augusto D’amico
This paper intends to develop a product authenticity model by identifying what are the dimensions of authenticity in agri-foodstuffs from the producers’ viewpoint. The literature offers numerous ...
#agri-foodstuffs #producers’ perception #product authenticity
Responsible and green innovation

The interplay of business models with sustainable innovations: evidence from Italian SMEs in the energy sector

Eleonora Annunziata, Francesco Rizzi, Marco Frey
A growing body of literature characterizes the challenging role of companies for achieving the sustainable development. Companies are both the root cause and solution of many environmental and social ...
#business model innovation. business model for sustainability #small medium enterprises #sustainable energy #sustainable innovation
Responsible and green innovation

Do women promote environmental sustainability? A European patent analysis

Mariasole Bannò, Marco Traversi, Graziano Coller
Sustainable innovation can be defined as the development, renewal or improvement of new product processes, services and technologies that “contribute to the development and well-being of human needs...
#board of directors #gender #innovation #Institutional Theory #Sustainability
Responsible management and finance

CSR disclosure and environmental topics: what’s happen in American corporates?

Assuntina Coviello, Alessandra De Chiara
This work in progress focuses on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure practices of American multinational corporations (MNC). In light of the new politics of Trump, the paper focuses on th...
#CSR #disclosure #environment #government policy #USA
Impatto dell'emergenza Covid e di altre crisi: alla ricerca della resilienza nella gestione

Resilienza delle città e mobilità degli studenti: Come le città rispondono ai disastri naturali

Filippo Marchesani, Francesca Masciarelli
Le catastrofi naturali rappresentano da sempre un fattore inaspettato nell'economia e nello sviluppo di un paese. Di conseguenza, ci sono diversi filoni di ricerca che analizzano gli effetti dei disas...
#Disastri Naturali #Knowledge Spillover #Mobilità Studenti #Sviluppo Tecnologico #Università
Universities and knowledge co-creation with Industry and society

Intellectual Capital disclosure and third mission in Italian Universities

Roberto Mavilia, Roberta Pisani
The objective of this paper is to analyze the evolution in the role of Universities and to focus our attention on the new role of universities in the current socio-economic environment. Over the c...
#Intellectual Capital #Italian Evaluation System #third mission #Universities
Universities and knowledge co-creation with Industry and society

Value co-creation in University-Industry collaboration. An exploratory analysis in digital research projects

Francesco Polese, Maria Vincenza Ciasullo, Raffaella Montera
The article aims to investigate how academic and business actors co-create value when collaborating in digital research projects.
#digital platforms #focus group #R&D projects #S-D logic #University-industry collaboration #value co-creation
Innovation and Technology Management (SIMA)

The commercialization of highly technological products in the context of Industry 4.0: a B2B SMEs perspective

Andrea Sabatini, Sara Bartoloni, Gian Luca Gregori
The aim of this paper is to shed light on the issues and challenges that a SME faces in commercializing new and highly technological products in the context of Industry 4.0. Despite the pivotal role p...
#B2B #Commercialization #Industry 4.0 product #New product development #SME
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

La sfida della sostenibilità per il management delle stazioni sciistiche: il modello dei Club Fields neozelandesi tra esperienzalità e sense of place

Giulia Cambruzzi , Umberto Martini, Massimo Morellato , Federica Buffa
Il lavoro si propone di individuare un modello manageriale che renda coerente la gestione delle stazioni sciistiche minori con le sfide poste dal paradigma della sostenibilità e dal cambiamento clima...
#Club Fields #management della sostenibilità #management delle stazioni sciistiche #sense of place
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

Una systematic literature review del turismo nautico: una prospettiva economico-manageriale

Clara Benevolo, Riccardo Spinelli, Agnese Caruso
Il turismo nautico è una delle molteplici manifestazioni del turismo del mare che Orams (1999) definisce come l’insieme di attività ricreative che prevedono un viaggio lontano dalla propria reside...
#nautical tourism #rassegna bibliografica #systematic literature review #turismo nautico #yachting tourism
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

Comunicare e promuovere la sostenibilità: il caso dei portali turistici regionali

Riccardo Spinelli, Matilda Scanu
La sostenibilità rappresenta una prospettiva imprescindibile nel governo dei processi di sviluppo turistico delle destinazioni, alla luce dei significativi impatti sistemici che il turismo ha sul ter...
#comunicazione turistica #Green D-web score #portali web #Regioni #sostenibilità #turismo sostenibile
Universities and knowledge co-creation with Industry and society

Enhacing Triple Helix Model Through University Educational Offer

Giulia Tagliazucchi, Gianluca Marchi
What configuration may the educational offer of university assume to enhance its role of innovation driver in favour of different actors and institutions in the current knowledge society? The aim of t...
#Academic Engagement #Academic entrepreneurship #case study #Triple Helix Model
Academic contribution to agenda 2030

Fair Trade and Universities: The Case of Certified Fairtrade Universities in the UK

Rossella Baratta, Francesca Simeoni
The fair trade is a social movement that promotes a fair and sustainable development of the global economy as a possible option within the traditional trade system (Fisher, 2009). In addition, the fai...
#Fair Trade #Fairtrade University #Good practice #Stakeholders engagement #Sustainable education #Sustainable research
Combining market and non market elements for value creation

Enabling factors of ridesharing: Trust is the main driver for potential users

Giovanni Mattia, Ludovica Principato, Laura Di Pietro, Carlo Alberto Pratesi
Peer-to-peer (P2P) ridesharing is a kind of modern hitch-hicking mediated by use of digital platforms. It entails the provision of a service through which a driver puts at renter(s) disposal the seat(...
#Consumer Behavior #Digital platform #Ridesharing #Sharing Economy #Trust
Small and family business (SIMA)

Family firms, women and innovation

Mariasole Bannò, Giorgia D’allura, Graziano Coller
The paper investigates the impact of board gender diversity on innovation in Family Businesses (FBs). We assume that the presence of women, due to new generations with the presence of daughters or due...
#family business #gender #innovation #invisible women
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

Biology and Entrepreneurship: how they can meet?

Mariacarmela Passarelli, Valentina Cucino, Erika Cione, Alberto Di Minin, Alfio Cariola, Roberto Cannataro
Macro (entrepreneurial environment and socio-economic macrosystem) and micro (personal turbulence) environments, provide several stimuli (Tang, 2008) to entrepreneurs. They are always under pressure (...
#biology #blood analysis #entrepreneurship #testosterone:cortisol ratio
Looking for resilience along value creation processes

Internal audit and risk analysis: the particular case of a public entity in Portugal

Maria da Conceição da Costa Marques
The purpose of this paper is to present the results obtained by an internal audit unit of a large public sector entity, in the area of education, during 2018, which we will call here Entity X and anal...
#accounting #audit #internal control #management
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

Il Consumer Journey nel turismo: Elaborazione di un framework integrale sulla base della letteratura esistente

Valentina Dini, Lamberto Zollo, Cristiano Ciappei, Riccardo Rialti
L’avvento della digitalizzazione e lo sviluppo dell’ecosistema digitale hanno innescato un processo di emancipazione del consumatore: soggetto consapevole, attento e prudente nell’effettuazione ...
#Consumer Journey #Destination image #Digital Touchpoint #Loyalty #Tourism Marketing
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

An exploration of determinants of tourist experience in the Albergo Diffuso. An Italian case study

Cristiana Compagno, Michela C. Mason, Francesco Raggiotto
The Albergo Diffuso (AD) is a typically Italian form of hospitality (Confalonieri, 2011; Paniccia and Leoni, 2017), differing with most of the traditional tourist and holiday accommodation formats lik...
#Albergo diffuso #tourism #tourist experience
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

Privacy concerns: an exploratory analysis through big data

David D'Acunto, Serena Volo
The role of big data is widely acknowledged in tourism and hospitality literature with most authors pointing out the relevance of adequately collecting, analyzing and processing online user-generated ...
#automated content analysis #big data analytics #hotel reviews #Offline privacy #user-generated content
Tourism and culture management (SIMA)

Museums’ management innovation between crisis and opportunities

Annamaria Esposito, Angela Besana, M.Cristina Vannini, Chiara Fisichella
Cultural institutions have been hit hard by the lockdown that led to the complete stop of the supply of cultural services in praesentia and world’s museums have been forced to temporarily close thei...
#Cultural demand #Cultural offer #Digitalization #Museum #Pandemic #Performance indicators
Universities and knowledge co-creation with Industry and society

Building Bridges between Universities and Primary Schools: A powerful Collaboration to Spread Entrepreneurial Mindset in Pupils

Michela Floris, Angela Dettori
As society is facing epochal challenges, all educational levels are called to contribute to propose new answers and strategies. This paper suggests the collaboration between Universities and Primary S...
#Entrepreneurial Competencies #Entrepreneurial Education #Entrepreneurial Mindset #Primary Schools #university
Academic contribution to agenda 2030

Communicating sustainability through social media in the Italian universities context

Marta Musso, Roberta Pinna, Pier Paolo Carrus
The research purpose is to analyze how social media can be adopted to communicate sustainability by universities. More precisely it is to investigate whether the online platforms are used to support a...
#communication functions #social media #Sustainable Development #Universities
International business (SIMA)

Global Value Chains in the era of 4IR: New paradigm of Business Models for SMEs

Roberta Pisani, Roberto Mavilia
The key context of this paper is set within Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Through the literature review, this paper offers to identify the opportunities of theoretical novelty and ways to elabor...
#business models #Fourth Industrial Revolution #Global Value Chains
Strategic Communication (SIMA)

Initial coin offering (ICO): il ruolo dei contenuti linguistici del White Paper

Francesca Masciarelli, Guido di Matteo
Startup e investitori privati stanno dimostrando un crescente interesse per forme innovative di raccolta fondi. ICO è l’abbreviazione di Initial Coin Offering, e rappresenta un'innovazione nel c...
#Asimmetria informativa #Criptovalute #Emozioni positive #Initial Coin Offering (ICO) #Signaling Theory #White Paper
Strategic Communication (SIMA)

“Personal branding”: an exploratory study

Rossella Sagliocco, Gaetano Buccino
With the technological developments creating about the improvement of communication across the Internet and numerous social media platforms, a lot of people have personal brands that need to be manage...
#bibliometrix #Personal branding #SLR #systematic literature review
Strategic Communication (SIMA)

From online experience to visiting the production plant: management challenges and communication opportunities

Kamel Ben Youssef, Martha Friel, Grazia Murtarelli, Stefania Romenti
Industrial tourism, understood as visiting working production plants, company visitor centres and corporate museums, is an area that has been relatively little investigated in the literature but which...
#corporate communication #corporate narratives #digital tourism #Industrial tourism #plant visits
Combining market and non market elements for value creation

Creative crowdsourcing: exploring the relationship between brand seeker and two-sided platform

Sara Scala, Federica Ceccotti, Alberto Pastore
The digital revolution and the new dynamics of co-creation (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004) have increased consumers' expressive potential and posed a challenge to companies: to experiment with new appr...
#agency-client relationship; two-sided platform #brand seeker #creative crowdsourcing #marketing communication
Sustainability (SIMA)

On the essence of Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainability: a systematic literature review of their measurement

Giacomo Buzzao, Francesco Rizzi
This study aims at understanding how the 23-years long debate about Dynamic Capabilities has addressed sustainability issues. After a systematization of the literature on the topic, we propose a unify...
#dynamic capabilities #hierarchical view #measurement #Sustainability #systematic literature review #tool
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

Heuristics in family business entrepreneurial decision making: a framework for transgenerational imprinting

Bernardo Bertoldi, Augusto Bargoni, Chiara Giachino
Family business scholars are converging to the concept of transgenerational entrepreneurship which implies that family should have entrepreneurs in every generation and entrepreneurial family should b...
#competitive advantage #continuity #entrepreneurial family #family business #heuristics #transgenerational entrepreneurship

Plenary session 7th september morning


Plenary session 7th september afternoon


Plenary session 8th september afternoon

Strategic Communication (SIMA)

Data-driven talent management: quali prospettive di sviluppo in Italia?

Domenico Sardanelli , Francesca Conte, Agostino Vollero, Alfonso Siano
L’Industria 4.0 sta trasformando radicalmente il paradigma aziendale, comportando profonde innovazioni che coinvolgono in modo significativo la comunicazione d’impresa (Ihator, 2001; Schwab, 2016;...
#big data #data-driven #Industria 4.0 #people analytics #talent management
Strategic Communication (SIMA)

L’impatto del Coronavirus sulla comunicazione aziendale: analisi delle lettere dei CEO agli azionisti

Domenico Sardanelli, Agostino Vollero, Alfonso Siano, Francesca Conte
La crisi determinata dalla pandemia da Covid19, sebbene di natura esogena rispetto all’organizzazione (c.d. victim crisis – Coombs, 2007), ha avuto un impatto significativo sui sistemi economici a...
#comunicazione dei CEO #coronavirus #crisi #sentiment #supportiveness
Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (SIMA)

To Go Digital Or Not To Go Digital? The Influence of Board’s Digital Expertise on Strategic Change of the Firm

Chiara Acciarini, Paolo Boccardelli, Enzo Peruffo
The ability of an organization to adapt its resources and also to change its strategy in line with the conditions of the external environment is a crucial issue of analysis (Pfeffer, 1972). Strategic ...
#board expertise #implementation #initiation #strategic change
Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (SIMA)

Core Self-Evaluations, Dual Mind Processing, and Overconfidence: A Laboratory Experiment

Matteo Cristofaro, Luna Leoni
In order to survive in the current competitive environment, organizations - both private and public - are constantly looking for reaching organizational effectiveness and efficiency; however, the achi...
#Behavioral Strategy #Core-Self Evaluations #Decision making #Dual Mind Processing #Overconfidence
Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (SIMA)

Tradition-Driven Business Model, Value Creation and Value Capture in High-End Hotels

Stefano Franco, Angelo Presenza, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Enzo Peruffo
The aim of this ongoing research is to shed new light on BM, a theoretical concept and methodological approach (Osterwalder, Pigneur, & Tucci, 2005) that, even if has received large attention in m...
#business model #high-end hotels #tradition #value capture #value creation
Small and family business (SIMA)

Narcissistic CEOs in Family Firms and their Role in Innovation

Paola Rovelli, Alfredo De Massis, Louis Gomez-Mejia
Narcissism consists in “the degree to which an individual has an inflated sense of self and is preoccupied with having that self-view continually reinforced” (Chatterjee & Hambrick, 2011, p. 2...
#CEO #family firms #narcissism #top executives #upper echelons
Small and family business (SIMA)

Transgenerational succession in long standing family firms: the “Huey, Dewey and Louie” pattern

Elisa Conz, Giovanna Magnani
The aim of this “work in progress” is to analyse the transgenerational succession of a century old family firm from an entrepreneurial perspective, through an inductive single case study of the lu...
#family relationships #mentoring #opportunities #succession #transgenerational entrepreneurship
International business (SIMA)

The role of digital technologies in International Business and Marketing: An Assessment of the Literature

Marcello Mariani, Michela Matarazzo
The rise of digital technologies has brought about considerable changes to the relationship between firms and consumers, especially within international business and marketing. This paper aims at cond...
#digital technologies #international business #international marketing #systematic literature review
Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (SIMA)

Corporate governance, blockholder esteri e performance di impresa: una verifica empirica in Europa

Elvira Tiziana La Rocca, Raffaele Staglianò, Augusto D’Amico
Gli investimenti esteri nel capitale delle imprese rappresentano un’opportunità di crescita, favorendo la capacità dell’impresa di competere nel mercato globale e, in generale, contribuendo a pr...
#blockholding estero #Corporate Governance #performance di impresa #struttura proprietaria
Responsible Consumption and Citizenship

Green Enablers and disablers in fashion green luxury consumption

Monica Faraoni, Lamberto Zollo, Raffaele Filieri
Sustainability has become a topic of major interest in all areas of consumption. However, still today there is no consensus among scholars about the meaning of sustainability in the context of luxury ...
#fifth #first #fourth #second #sixth #third
Responsible Consumption and Citizenship

Attitudini ambientali e accettazione pubblica della nanotecnologia. L’influenza del “New Environmental Paradigm” e della “Green trust” sulla percezione di benefici e rischi della nanotecnologia

Niccolò Maria Todaro, Natalia Marzia Gusmerotti, Tiberio Daddi
L’obiettivo dello studio è investigare l’influenza della sensibilità ambientale dei cittadini sull’accettazione sociale delle nanotecnologie. Nello specifico, lo studio testa la relazione tra ...
#Accettazione pubblica delle tecnologie emergenti #Green Trust #Nanotecnologia #New Environmental Paradigm
Responsible Consumption and Citizenship

Declinazione dell’Agenda 2030 a livello locale. Il contributo dei FridaysForFuture al processo di istituzionalizzazione

Nora Annesi, Massimo Battaglia, Patrizia Gragnani, Fabio Iraldo
Obiettivo del caso studio è presentare un processo di istituzionalizzazione dei principi di sostenibilità all’interno del quadro programmatorio e operativo comunale. A cinque anni dalla pubbli...
#Agenda 2030 #FFF #Institutional Theory
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

Social spin-offs from established non-profit organizations; factors influencing the behavior of corporate donors

Alessandro Signorini
Social enterprises can be defined as organizations that combine a social direction and a purpose with business activities in the marketplace (Hall-Phillips et al., 2015). Social enterprises have the a...
#corporate fundraising #non-profit organizations #Social spin-offs #start-ups
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

COVID-19: crisis management experiences in the private healthcare industry

Marianna Cavazza, Mario Del Vecchio, Lorenzo Fenech, Laura Giudice, Erika Mallarini, Luigi M. Preti, Valeria Rappini
The healthcare sector has been at the center of the Covid-19 emergency. Health systems, and hospitals especially, were the first required to respond to the virus impacts. In order to take care of pati...
#Covid-19 #crisis management #private healthcare
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

The role of “antagonistic” assets in Social enterprises

Simone Poledrini
In the last two decades, Social enterprises (SEs) have been studied from many different perspectives and approaches, such as their financial structure (Achleitner, Knafl and Volk 2014, Spiess-Knafl an...
#Firm resources #Hybrid organizations #Social enterprises #Strategic advantage
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

Innovating and Transforming during Covid-19: Insights from Italian firms

Giulio Ferrigno, Valentina Cucino, Andrea Piccaluga
During health emergencies actions are taken by a wide range of different actors (Anderson et al., 2005). Actions are started by ordinary/expected actors, such as national and regional governments, hos...
#Covid-19 #Italy #manufacturing transformation #purpose #R&D innovation
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

New business ventures coping with COVID-19: the case of the MENA region

Jamal Alostaz, Gian Luca Gregori, Andrea Sabatini, Alessandro Cinti, Andrea Perna, Faris Alostaz
This ongoing research deals with the current COVID-19 crisis considered as the current scenario in which new business ventures - such as startups - should grow and operate. Let’s start with the shar...
#Covid-19 #entrepreneurship #MENA region #new business ventures #pandemic crisis #start-ups
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

Social Innovation, Community Based Tourism and Place Attachment. First insights from two Italian Experiences

Gianpaolo Basile, Mario Tani, Mauro Sciarelli, Maria Antonella Ferri
The European Union strategies for peripheral areas, deeply affected by the Long Slump (2008-2014) (Capello et al., 2015; Dijkstra et al., 2015), try to reverse these areas’ depopulation and marginal...
#Authenticity #Community participation #Place attachment #Sustainable tourism
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

The impact of “forced” and “massive” smart-working on the innovative work behavior and creativity of employees. Empirical evidence during the COVID-19 emergency

Grazia Carlatti Costa, Guido Bortoluzzi
“Work-life balance” (WLB) is a growing need in the workplace. At the same time, WLB represents a challenge for companies that must adapt their organizations and strategies to this need. Due to the...
#Covid-19 #creativity #innovative behavior #smart-working #teleworking #work-life balance
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

Understanding Community Enterprise through the Humane Entrepreneurship lens

Nicoletta Buratti, Cécile Sillig, Massimo Albanese
The present research inquires Community Enterprise (CE), i.e. firms that work “for sustainable regeneration in their community through a mix of economic, environmental, cultural, and social activiti...
#case study #community enterprise #cooperative firms #humane entrepreneurship
Looking for resilience along value creation processes

Orienting East Naples’ new Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to-wards Circular Economy (CE) and Creative Industry (CI) for sustainable economic development

Raymond Saner, Lichia Yiu, Piero Accardo
This paper proposes a post-covid-19 reconstruction strategy in the designated Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of East Naples by proposing a local economy oriented towards circular economy in combination w...
#Circular Economy #Creating Shared Value #Creative Industry #Naples SEZs #Special Economic Zones #Sustainable Socio-Economic Policies
Social entrepreneurship, hybrid organizations and B-Corps

The Humane side of Entrepreneurship: an empirical investigation

Valentina Cucino, Cristina Marullo, Eleonora Annunziata, Andrea Piccaluga
Entrepreneurial behavior brings a purely selfish orientation and very often motivated by profit. However, in recent years, overcoming the traditional view of capitalism has changed entrepreneurial beh...
#humane entrepreneurial orientation #humane entrepreneurship #stakeholders #start-up #well-creation
Entrepreneurial universities and academic entrepreneurship

Academic Governance insights of University Spin-offs: a micro-foundational perspective of life-science ventures

Mauro Sciarelli, Mario Tani, Giovanni Catello Landi, Lorenzo Turriziani, Anna Prisco
University Spin-offs (USOs) are increasingly recognized as effective drivers of regional and national competitiveness because of their ability to foster economic growth (Di Gregorio and Shane, 2003), ...
#Academic entrepreneurship #Economic Performance #Microfoundations #Top Management Team Heterogeneity #University Spin-offs #University Technology Transfer
Entrepreneurial universities and academic entrepreneurship

Does the presence of the university affect residents’ perceived quality of life? An empirical investigation

Angelo Riviezzo. Maria Rosaria Napolitano, Giancarlo Ragozini
Over the last decades, the role that the university may play to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the community in which it operates has been largely investigated. New the...
#civic engagement #community engagement #Italy #quality of life #Scale development #survey #university
Corporate legality, illegality, irresponsibility wrongdoing & corruption

Company's distress and legality under the magnifying glass of artificial intelligence: the contribution of decision trees to identify best practices

Sergio Barile, Irene Buzzi, Ernesto D'Avanzo
The aim of the study is to examine whether and how artificial intelligence (AI) may facilitate the joint comprehension of corporate distress and corporate legality. The main subjects of investigation ...
#artificial intelligence #company’s distress #decision tree #legality rating #Z score
Responsible and green innovation

Which came first: on the evolution of environmental and entrepreneurial identity in environmental entrepreneurship

Chiara De Bernardi
Environmental entrepreneurship has gained attention in the last decades due to its inner nature of combining economic and ecological objectives. For this reason, environmental entrepreneurship is ofte...
Entrepreneurial universities and academic entrepreneurship

Exploring the main drivers of academic frustration: a systematic scale development

Marco Balzano, Guido Bortoluzzi, Mbieke Stephen Ndula
Academics’ perceptions of their work environment not only affect their work motivation and psychological well-being (Zhang & Fu, 2019), but also their overall productivity and their growth in th...
#Academic frustration #Dissatisfaction #Factor analysis #Frustration #Intolerance #Scale development
Knowledge transfer, exchange and circulation

Mapping the Conceptual Structure of Patent Ecosystems: The Case of Singapore

Carmela Elita Schillaci, Elona Marku, Maria Chiara Di Guardo
The present study aims at mapping and visualizing the conceptual structure and evolutionary dynamics of patent ecosystems. We conceive patent ecosystems as the evolving interconnections between a set ...
#co-word #innovation #mapping #patent ecosystem #VOSviewer
Looking for resilience along value creation processes

The determinants of eco-innovation strategies. An empirical investigation of two European countries

Ida D’attoma, Silvia Paceii
The present paper is a work in progress focusing on the driving forces behind the adoption of different types of eco-innovation mode in German manufacturing sectors compared to Romania over 2012-2014,...
#CIS data #eco-innovation #eco-innovation drivers #zero-inflated negative binomial- regression
Corporate legality, illegality, irresponsibility wrongdoing & corruption

Rating di legalità e rating d’impresa a supporto della cultura della legalità. Un inquadramento concettuale

Irene Buzzi, Ettore D'Ascoli
Il presente lavoro, da considerarsi “work in progress” per l’attuale stadio di sviluppo, si propone di fornire un inquadramento concettuale in materia di cultura della legalità, presentandone i...
#cultura della legalità #rating di legalità #rating d’impresa
Responsible management and finance

Exploring the antecedents of responsible leadership behaviour at individual and organisational levels

Francesco Rizzi, Chiara Pellegrini, Eleonora Annunziata, Marco Frey
Research in environmental sociology and psychology has suggested that individual values play an important role in motivating responsible decision making and social change (Waters, 1980). For example, ...
#corporate sustainability #organizational identification #Responsible leadership #responsible leadership behavior #sustainable organizational practice #value congruence
Impatto dell'emergenza Covid e di altre crisi: alla ricerca della resilienza nella gestione

L’impatto del lockdown nel business-to-business: il caso italiano

Ludovica Moi, Francesca Cabiddu
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è analizzare le strategie di risposta utilizzate dalle imprese operanti nel business-to-business (B2B) per rispondere al lockdown imposto dal Governo italiano durant...
#business-to-business #Covid-19 #crisis management #lockdown
Impatto dell'emergenza Covid e di altre crisi: alla ricerca della resilienza nella gestione

Efficienza e produttività del personale nel settore bancario italiano. Le leve industriali a sostegno dei piani strategici post Coronavirus

Michele Costa, Alberto Pastore
La crisi sanitaria ed economica causata dal Coronavirus sta mettendo a dura prova il sistema finanziario italiano, causando il congelamento dei mercati del credito e mettendo sotto pressione il settor...
#Banche #Efficienza #Paperless #Produttività #RPA #SWP
Looking for resilience along value creation processes

The impact of Covid-19 emergency on live performing arts: Teatro Coccia in Novara and its supply chain

Clementina Bruno, Fabrizio Erbetta, Giovanni Fraquelli
L’emergenza COVID-19 ed in particolare il periodo di “lock down” hanno impattato enormemente sulle abitudini personali e sociali dei singoli e delle famiglie, ma anche sull’economia e sul mana...
#case study #cultura #emergenza COVID-19 #spettacolo dal vivo
Università tra produzione e propagazione dei saperi

Critical Management Education, "The Role of the Reader'', and "New Media Literacy": Teaching Management Studies as Social Practice

Francesco Crisci
This work investigates an urgent challenge of Management Education (ME) and business schools: “(re)considering the dichotomy between (i) what students learn and academics theorize and (ii) what prof...
#critical management education #new media literacy #participatory culture #practice-based learning #textual cooperation
Università tra produzione e propagazione dei saperi

La co-creazione del valore e della conoscenza nei sistemi di servizio smart: le relazioni università-industria-governo-utenti come acceleratore di (co)-innovazione

Francesco Polese, Paola Castellani, Orlando Troisi, Mara Grimaldi
Lo studio indaga le principali dimensioni abilitanti della co-innovazione, investigando i meccanismi che favoriscono la co-creazione di conoscenza e la co-creazione del valore, intesi come antecedenti...
#Cluster #co-creazione di conoscenza #co-creazione di valore #innovazione #innovazione di servizio #sistemi di servizio smart
Università tra produzione e propagazione dei saperi

Network Collaborativi di Trasferimento Tecnologico dall’Università all’Industria per la Sostenibilità

Silvia Baiocco, Francesco Scafarto, Paola M.A. Paniccia
In che modo il trasferimento tecnologico dall’università all’industria può generare impatti positivi per la società? Quali impatti considerare e come valutarli? Rispondere a queste domande di r...
#coevoluzione #ecosistema dell’innovazione #network #solidarietà #sostenibilità #trasferimento tecnologico
Università tra produzione e propagazione dei saperi

La formazione e l'evoluzione dei team imprenditoriali: un focus sugli spin off accademici

Rosangela Feola, Chiara Crudele, Roberto Parente, Massimiliamo Vesci
Il team imprenditoriale è sempre più considerato come il fattore chiave per la creazione di nuove imprese (Harper, 2008; Kamm et al.,1990). Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato che le imprese fondate da ...
#Academic entrepreneurship #Multiple Case Study #spin-off accademici #team imprenditoriali #trasferimento tecnologico
Combining market and non market elements for value creation

Relational Goods between person, acknowledgment and Affective Commitment: A contribution to the creation of public value

Anna Marrucci, Riccardo Rialti, Lamberto Zollo, Cristiano Ciappei
The world must respond quickly to the new emerging emergencies that are permeating our times. Economic, moral, institutional, and affective crises: indeed, in a globalized world the crisis can only be...
#Affective Commitment #Intersubjectivity #Public value #Reflexivity #Relational goods #Turnover Intention
Combining market and non market elements for value creation

The innovation of the value capture: insights from the sharing economy

Gennaro Iasevoli, Cecilia Grieco
The value capture process refers to the mechanism through which an organization defines the origin of revenues, the different ways to receive money in exchange for its services, as well as the pricing...
#business model innovation. business model for sustainability #revenue model #Sharing Economy #value capture
Small and family business (SIMA)

Family Firms In Times Of Digital Innovation: Transferring Knowledge Across Generations

Emanuela Rondi, Leopold Von-Schlenk Bansdorf, Ruth Uberbacher, Alfredo De Massis, Marcel Hulsbeck
Industrial economy is undergoing a radical shift in paradigms due to digital innovation, i.e. the use of digital technology during innovation processes as well as the outcome of innovation (Nambisan e...
#Digital innovation #family business #Intergenerational knowledge transfer
Responsible Consumption and Citizenship

Are consumers willing to pay more for “circular economy” products?

Gaia Pretner, Francesco Testa, Nicole Darnall, Fabio Iraldo
While prior research suggests that consumers are willing to pay higher prices for products with environmentally friendly attributes, this relationship may not apply to “circular economy” products ...
#Circular Economy #circular products #consumers #environmental information #experiment #third party certification #Willingness to pay
Innovation and Technology Management (SIMA)

Open innovation in family firms: an analysis on high tech firms for cultural goods

Elena Casprini, Tommaso Pucci, Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann, Lorenzo Zanni
In a scenario even more characterized by collaboration among multiple actors, understanding which are those open innovation processes that influence a firm’s innovativeness is crucial. Drawing from ...
#family firms #innovativeness #open innovation
Corporate legality, illegality, irresponsibility wrongdoing & corruption

Strategic approaches to corporate wrongdoing prevention: An explorative analysis of whistleblowing arrangements in Italy

Alessandra Mazzei, Alfonsa Butera, Silvia Ravazzani
The issue of corporate wrongdoing is of great relevance because it deals with corporate behaviours that are harmful to the community as shown by cases such as Enron and Worldcom. Literature is pay...
#corporate whistleblowing arrangements #corporate wrongdoing #employee dissent #strategic management #voice systems; employee voice
Sistemi locali, ecosistemi e sistemi basati sulla conoscenza

Differenze culturali tra aree geografiche e gestione delle relazioni coopetitive

Sonia Caterina Giaccone, Anna Minà
A partire dal pioneristico lavoro di Brandenburger e Nalebuff (1996), il tema delle relazioni di coopetition – ovvero di simultanea competizione e cooperazione (Lado et al., 1997; Gnyawali e Madhava...
#competizione #cooperazione #coopetizione #cultura d’impresa
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

Relationship Selling and Marketing Automation during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Analysis

Daniela Corsaro , Isabella Maggioni, Mirko Olivieri
The Covid-19 pandemic impacted dramatically the global economy with repercussions on the marketing activities of companies operating in all industries. Digital technologies play a crucial role during ...
#Covid-19 #digital technologies #marketing automation #relationship selling
Retailing &Service Management (SIMA)

La gestione del paziente cronico: nuove tecnologie e nuovi modelli organizzativi

Roberto Parente, Antonio Botti, Antonella Monda, Erika Naponiello
L’aspettativa di vita, a livello globale, è manifestamente aumentata, di oltre dieci anni, negli ultimi cinquant’anni. Stando alle previsioni Eurostat, il dato, con riferimento all’EU, è desti...
#Digital Health #digital transformation #eHealth #New technologies #Pazienti Cronici #Sanità Digitale
Responsible management and finance

Coopetition Strategy as Management Innovation: Evidence from the Alliance between Luna Rossa & Emirates Team New Zealand

Giovanni Battista Dagnino, Anna Minà
This paper investigates how coopetition strategy emerges and develops as a management innovation due to the evolution of the context. By presenting and discussing the alliance between Luna Rossa and E...
#alliance #coopetition #Emirates Team New Zealand #Luna Rossa #management innovation
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

Taking corporate role in society seriously: the impact of strategic communication during covid-19 on millennials

Grazia Murtarelli, Elanor Colleoni, Stefania Romenti, Mirko Olivieri
Covid-19 pandemic has emphasized the role and the relevance of communication as a crucial component for managing trustful relationships between organizations and stakeholders. The health crisis charac...
#Corporate Social Responsibility #Covid-19 #Shared Value #Strategic Communication
Sistemi locali, ecosistemi e sistemi basati sulla conoscenza

“SalinellaPelle” un progetto di Creating Shared Value per la città di Taranto

Daniela Cavallo
“SalinellaPelle” è un progetto di rigenerazione urbana e di co-creazione di valore per la città di Taranto, nello specifico per il quartiere Salinella, area periferica e degradata della città, ...
#abitanti #co-creazione di valore #Giochi del Mediterraneo #marketing territoriale #rigenerazione urbana #sport #Taranto
Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (SIMA)

Reconcilable differences? On the relation between social and economic goals and the importance of process goals

Valeria Cavotta, Elisa Villani, Johanna Mair
Organizational goals can be defined as aspirations, desired organizational outcomes distinct from measurable targets (Kotlar et al., 2018), and the realized outcome along some measurable indicators i...
#organizational goals #outcome goals #process goals #Social enterprises
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

Effectiveness of training methods for SME managers

Oksana Tokarchuk, Roberto Gabriele
In order to succeed smaller firms have higher needs of good management compared to large firms (OECD, 2000). Management training is expected to provide firms with better management (Wightman and McAle...
#methods of training #middle manager training #SME #TFP
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

Transformative Value Co-Creation in Healthcare Services in the COVID-19 Era

Roberta Sebastiani, Alessia Anzivino
COVID-19 seems to have projected us all into that social and temporal dimension that anthropologists call “liminality”. The pandemic suspended all ordinary activities and identities. We no longer ...
#chronic disease #Covid-19 #Healthcare #service ecosystem #transformative value co-creation
Entrepreneurship (SIMA)

Neuroscience & business: a Bibliometric Analysis

Valentina Cucino, Mariacarmela Passerelli, Alberto Di Minin, Alfio Cariola
The importance of entrepreneurial intention has been widely recognized in the literature. Stemming from the Shapiro’s seminal works (Shapero 1984; Shapero and Sokol 1982), the literature on entrepre...
#Bibliographic coupling analysis #Bibliometric analysis #CoCitation #entrepreneurship #neuroscience. Leadership
Marketing ( SIMA)

Keyword Research Analysis: A New Methodological Approach ToBrand Positioning Evaluation

Michelle Bonera, Alessandro Bigi, Alessandra Cavalli
The study deals with the importance of keyword research analysis (Wilson, Pettijohn, 2007) in marketing activities and suggests a new methodology to analyse the keyword used by the individuals in thei...
#brand positioning #market research methodology #positioning strategy #research analysis #Search Engine Marketing
Impatto dell'emergenza Covid e di altre crisi: alla ricerca della resilienza nella gestione

I Water Safety Plans come strumento di gestione preventiva e resiliente: analisi di una esperienza

Natalia Marzia Gusmerotti, Valentina Nisticò, Alessandra Borghini, Tiziana Cenderello, Marco Frey
Le alterazioni degli equilibri che regolano i sistemi ambientali, provocate dall’azione antropica, rappresentano una minaccia sempre più evidente e tangibile per la salute del pianeta dalla quale d...
#cambiamento climatico #DPSIR #resilienza #rischio #stakeholder #WSP
Knowledge transfer, exchange and circulation

Ecosistemi di innovazione: il contributo di EIT Health allo sviluppo di partenariati pan-europei dinamici

Nunzia Capobianco
L’innovazione è una delle energie trainanti della nostra società e rappresenta il motore costante di nuove idee. Le teorie relative alle opportunità imprenditoriali affermano che l’imprenditori...
#eit #entrepreneurship #innovation ecosystem #knowledge co-creation
1. Management challenges in the post Covid-19 era

The challenges of Covid19 in the tourism industry. The case of the Italian context

Valentina Della Corte, Giovanna Del Gaudio, Giuliana Nevola, Enrico Di Taranto
This paper has the challenge to verify whether and to what extent the crisis, related to Covid19, impacted the Italian tourism industry and how firms have reacted for its management. Crisis and its...
#bibliometrix #crisis management #destination #tourism
Strategic Communication (SIMA)

Art and business. The history of Campari

Giuseppe Pedeliento, Valeria Pinchera, Daniele Dalli
Art is business, and business is art. Isn’t it? The relationship between art and business is anything but impossible to reconcile (Baumgarth, 2018). Entrepreneurs and companies are increasingly keen...
#art-business #Campari #case study #history
Knowledge transfer, exchange and circulation

The SMEs digital entrepreneurial ecosystem: a matter of trust

Luca Marinelli, Antonio Crupi, Alberto Di Minin, Nicola Del Sarto, Gian Luca Gregori, Dominique Lepore, Francesca Spigarelli
The paper provides evidence on how the mechanisms of Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (DEEs) can affect the willingness to invest in digital technologies among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SM...
#Collaboration #Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem #Digital Innovation Hubs #Industry 4.0
Academic contribution to agenda 2030

Opening the box of Universities’ Third Mission: theoretical background and empirical investigation

Matilde Milanesi, Enrico Marone, Valentina Papa, Simone Guercini
The paper deals with the public-private interaction with a focus on higher education and research. More specifically, the paper aims at understanding the interaction between Universities and other pub...
#case study #higher education #knowledge transfer #networks #public-private interaction #third mission
Business cases

How to planfor a sustainablecity and tourismdevelopment?The case study of Pavia’s city

Angelo Riva, Luciano Pilotti
This case-study permits to learn some tools, methods, and principles for planning for a sustainable city and tourism development and also to develop a real project with a fixed budget. In the first...
#innovation #strategic planning #Sustainability #tourism strategy
Academic contribution to agenda 2030

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in Management Academies: State of The Art and Future Challenges

Lara Penco, Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri, Alessandra Perri, Alberto Pastore, Sandro Castaldo
Recent organizational literature and business practice have underscored the relevance of promoting the integration of diversity within groups and organizations, as well as of adopting an “inclusiona...
#academic capital diversity #Diversity #inclusion #inter-academy network