Relazioni sistemiche tra imprenditorialità interna e gemmazione d'impresa: una ricerca empirica sulla natura cognitiva delle nuove imprese

The management of knowledge is increasingly considered as a main source of competitive advantage for corporations. It is argued that companies enjoy a competitive advantage if they know how to expand, disseminate and exploit organizational knowledge internally. Moreover, to achieve those goals the executive body is required to encourage knowledge sharing, flexibility, and adaptation to change, by spreading the entrepreneurial learning throughout all the levels of the organization. Although this attitude has positive results as it favours a better circulation of know-how within the company, on the other hand it may also generate upsetting behaviours leading to hostile spin off processes, as a result of the employees stratification of tacit knowledge and of cognitive maps. Then, this study assumes and empirically tests the possible relationships between firm specific knowledge stratification and corporate spin offs. By the way, spin off is assumed to be an adequate instrument for the spontaneous or induced transfer outside the parent company of tacit behavioural models, apparently similar to organizational routines, but as a matter of fact much more complex and refined: the cognitive scripts.

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