
Sinergie-SIMA 2019 Conference

Call for paper

The Conference

For more than 30 years, the Sinergie Italian Journal of Management has been organizing the annual conference of Italian management scholars to enable them to present and discuss their research within a collaborative and friendly environment.
Since 2016, the conference is held by SIMA and Sinergie jointly, and has evolved into the Sinergie-SIMA Conference. The main goal of the Sinergie-SIMA Conference is to create relationships among scholars, disseminate knowledge in the economic-managerial field, and promote the contribution of Italian scholars to the international debate on management issues.
The themes of the conference will be discussed in both plenary and parallel sessions.
In the plenaries, keynote speakers from the academic and business world will alternate, while in the parallel sessions, scholars will present their research about the topic of the conference or about the various thematic areas of the discipline.

Conference theme and objectives

Sustainability is no doubt a key-challenge of our times. The depletion of natural capital due to a growing demand of goods and services all around the world has shed a new light on the limit of the current economic model. A production and consumption system based on a linear logic where natural resources are extracted and transformed for producing goods that are wasted in the natural environment is clearly unsustainable. Additionally, social inequalities, poverty, and hunger are social problems that need to be faced globally.
Firms and management, on the one hand, are partly responsible for the worsening of the conditions of the natural context we are living in; on the other hand, they appear to be a key-player in contrasting the daunting scenario we are facing. Firms and management, in fact, are the most effective way to date available to harness human initiative and energies towards a goal. It could be said that this way they are not only part of the problem, but can also become part of the solution. Firms and management, thus, should cooperate with government and society in finding solutions for reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The era of the digital economy offers significant opportunities for removing potential conflicts among divergent logics and making sustainability principles fully internalized within an organization. Sharing platforms, industrial symbiosis, collaborative consumption, environmental and social footprint, eco-design, transparent and reliable accountability, are just some examples of initiatives fostered by the digital economy.
The Sinergie-SIMA 2019 Conference focuses on the contribution firms and management can bring to effectively tackle the vital challenge of sustainability. To this end, special attention will be devoted to business models and strategies based on the co-creation paradigm and on the opportunities delivered by digital technologies.

Organization of the conference

The main topic of the conference will be discussed by alternating plenary and parallel sessions that will take place between Thursday, June 20 and Friday, June 21 2019.
The plenary sessions, in particular, will be based on the contributions of well-known academics and professionals who will take part in the debate as key speakers, discussants, or interviewees.
During the parallel sessions, the full papers that have been selected by means of a double-blind peer review will be presented. One or more specific sessions dedicated to the extended abstracts will also be programmed, giving participants the chance to present their projects and benefit from the comments and suggestions of the chair person and other participants during constructive discussion sessions.
The official language of the conference is English. Full paper and extended abstracts in Italian will be welcome in specific sessions of the conference.


Sinergie and SIMA invite participants to present full papers and extended abstracts on the specific theme of the conferenceManagement and sustainability: Creating shared value in the digital era.” Below are some examples of topics that can be addressed, taking the managerial point of view:

  • Big and open data for sustainability
  • Business strategies for a low-carbon economy
  • Circular economy
  • Collaborative economy and co-creation solutions
  • Communication of sustainability
  • Digital solutions for resource efficiency
  • Eco-industrial parks and Industrial Symbiosis
  • Greenwashing and symbolic behaviour
  • Industry 4.0 and sustainability
  • Smart cities and smart communities
  • Sustainability and marketing
  • Sustainable business models and innovation
  • Sustainable consumption behaviour
  • The corporate contribution to Agenda 2030

The Conference will also host papers about the various areas of the discipline, represented by the SIMA thematic areas:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation and technology management
  • International business
  • Marketing
  • Operations and supply chain
  • Retailing and service management
  • Small and family business
  • Strategic communication
  • Strategic management and corporate governance
  • Tourism and culture management
Paper and extended abstract submission

Only unpublished papers that have not been previously submitted for publication or presented at other conferences and that are not under review by other journals and/or conferences will be accepted for the conference and subsequent proceedings.

Full paper submission

To submit a paper for the Sinergie-SIMA conference, please use the word conference template published online at the bottom of this page. The paper must be no longer than 18 pages (75,000 characters spaces included) and include the following:

  • Title
  • Order and information on the author(s) (e.g., qualifications, scientific disciplinary sectors, email addresses and mobile phone numbers – this information is reserved for the exclusive use by Sinergie’s administration)
  • Any paragraph attributions
  • Acknowledgement sections
  • Reference to research projects that led to the drafting of the paper
  • Structured abstract (no longer than 250 words). It should be divided as follows: objectives of the paper, methodology, findings, practical implications, limitations of the research and originality of the paper
  • Key words
  • References

The insertion of figures and tables as images (i.e., .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif formats) is not allowed; any figures and tables should be provided in a Microsoft Word format.
Any related files of additional tables and figures must be attached in their original format (e.g., xls).
Footnotes should only be used to make comments, provide more in-depth analysis, or note further considerations, and should not be used to provide any bibliographical information.

Extended abstract submission

The extended abstracts may consist in a report of a completed research project or in the illustration of a research project that is still in its phase of development or completion. The conference represents a valuable opportunity to promote a debate among peers: therefore, extended abstracts regarding research projects that are still under development are welcome, as long as their conceptual development, objectives, and methodological frameworks are clearly identified. Moreover, the authors are required to clearly indicate that the research is still “a work-in-progress”. To submit an extended abstract for the Sinergie-SIMA conference, please send a file entitled ‘EA’ using a Microsoft Word for Windows format. The length of the extended abstract should be no less than 5 pages and no more than 8 pages (between 22,000 and 36,000 characters spaces included).
Full papers and extended abstracts files should be sent as an email attachment to Laura Ciarmela, editorial staff member of Sinergie, at

Peer review process

For full papers
Each paper will undergo a double-blind peer review process that could lead to full acceptance, acceptance with the reviewers’ suggestions, or rejection.
Authors of papers that are accepted with reviewers’ suggestions will have sufficient time to add the adjustments and improvements indicated by the referees and submit an updated version of the paper. It will then be submitted to an editorial review and, afterwards, author(s) will receive a notification of the final evaluation.

For extended abstracts
The assessment of extended abstracts will be carried out by the Scientific Committee.


Deadlines for full papers

Submission February 18, 2019
Notice of peer-review result for non-European participants March 22, 2019 *

for participants within the EU April 12, 2019

Submission of amended version of paper for all participants May 17, 2019

* The earlier deadline for peer review result has been set to facilitate travel arrangements for non – European participants and for those who may require an entry visa. For travel information and visa to Italy, please visit:, or the Italian consulate near you: ca/ambasciate/default.html. Participants interested in extended stay please visit:

Deadlines for extended abstracts

Submission April 10, 2019
Notice of inclusion in the conference program May 6, 2019
Publication opportunities

Conference Proceedings
Unless publication is explicitly waived by the author(s) at the time of the paper’s submission, all accepted full papers that have been presented at the conference will be published online in the Referred Electronic Conference Proceedings and copyrighted with ISBN and DOI codes.
The extended abstracts that have been presented at specific sessions of the conference will be published online in a separate volume of Conference Proceedings and copyrighted with ISBN.
Conference Proceedings will be released in an open access form via the Sinergie website ( after the conference. Before uploading, extensive editorial work is carried out on the submitted work to ensure their quality and professional standards, and no fee is charged for the editorial work.
Every author (or where there are multiple authors, at least one author) must present the paper and/or extended abstract during the parallel sessions of the conference. Failure to do so will result in the exclusion of the paper or extended abstract from the Referred Electronic Conference Proceedings.

Publication in Sinergie Italian Journal of Management
A selection of the papers within of the specific theme of the conference (Management and sustainability: Creating shared value in the digital era) by the scientific committee will be included in a 2020 Sinergie Italian Journal of Management special issue.
Sinergie is ranked “C” by ANVUR for VQR 2011-2014 and it is ranked “A” by AIDEA among Italian business administration journals ( The authors of the papers that have been selected for publication in the special issue of Sinergie will be announced and rewarded at the concluding plenary session of the conference. Publication in Sinergie Italian Journal of Management is free of charge.

Further publication opportunities
A number of papers presented at the conference will be eligible for submission to Journal of Management and Governance (ISSN: 1385-3457 print version – ISSN: 1572-963X electronic version – publisher: Springer) following a fast-track review process for publication. Journal of Management and Governance is ranked “B” by ANVUR for VQR 2011-2014 and it is ranked “A” by AIDEA among Italian business administration journals (
The conference website will provide information about further publication opportunities on Journal of Management and Governance and other qualified international journals.

Awards and recognitions

The 3 best papers among 8 selected papers within the specific theme of the conference (Management and sustainability: Creating shared value in the digital era) will be acknowledged by the Scientific Committee with an award during the closing session of the conference.
11 commended paper award (one for each of the SIMA thematic areas: Strategic management and corporate governance; Innovation and technology management; Entrepreneurship; International business; Tourism and culture management; Small and family business; Retailing and service management; Operations and supply chain; Strategic communication, Marketing) will be acknowledged by the scientific committee during the closing session of the conference.
A certificate of presentation will be issued to all participants presenting their research papers.
A certificate for chairing a session will be issued to chairs, thus acknowledging their contribution to the conference.
A peer reviewing certificate will be issued to reviewers, thus acknowledging their contribution to the conference.

Conference registration

Opening registration: January 14, 2019 (click here)

Early-bird registration: May 15, 2019

The delegates can choose between the two following alternatives of payment that are based on the invoice header requirements:

A) Registration to Sinergie-SIMA 2019 Conference*
Full and associate professors (VAT included) € 240,00 € 350,00
Researcher/assistant professors (VAT included) € 180,00 € 280,00
PhD, fellows, and students (VAT included) € 100,00 € 150,00

* This registration fee covers access to all daytime conference sessions, online conference proceedings, lunches, refreshments, the gala dinner of Thursday 20 June and (only in Italy) a 2019 subscription to Sinergie Italian Journal of Management.

 B) Subscription to Sinergie Italian Journal of Management (2019 year)**
Full and associate professors (VAT included) € 200,00 € 300,00
Researchers/assistant professors (VAT included) € 150,00 € 250,00
PhD, fellows, and students (VAT included) € 90,00 € 130,00

** This subscription fee enables to receive (only in Italy) the Sinergie Italian Journal of Management and to access to all daytime conference sessions, online conference proceedings, lunches, refreshments, and the gala dinner of Thursday 20 June.

Standard registration: Starting on May 16, 2019 until the date of the conference

For all attendants (full and associate professors, researchers, assistant professors, PhD, fellows, and students) to the Sinergie-SIMA 2019 Conference the registration fee will be € 365,00.

For information about conference registration: Annalisa Andriolo (


 Enghish language

Italian language

Convivial activities

Sinergie and SIMA are proud to invite the first 150 delegates to a special event that will take place in Vatican City on June Wednesday 19th:
5.00 pm: Private visit to the Vatican Museums
6.30 pm: Private concert in the Sistine Chapel
7.30 pm: Private light dinner in the Vatican Gardens

In addition to the registration fee, those who want to participate to these convivial activities at the extra cost of € 50,00 per person have to register at SIMA ( – until places are available). Each delegate can register for this initiative only after registering for the conference.


Information about the accommodation facilities will be presented on the websites of the conference starting from February 2019.

Conference venue

Sapienza University of Rome
Via del Castro Laurenziano 9
Rome, Italy



Conference chairs
Alberto Pastore, Sapienza University of Rome
Federico Testa, University of Verona

Former chairs
Claudio Baccarani, University of Verona
Gaetano M. Golinelli, Sapienza University of Rome

Scientific coordination
Federico Brunetti, University of Verona
Marco Frey, Scuola Superiore S. Anna of Pisa
Gennaro Iasevoli, LUMSA Free University, Rome
Marta Ugolini, University of Verona

International coordination
Sandro Castaldo, Bocconi University
Angelo Camillo, Sonoma State University (USA)

Scientific committee
Peggy Chaudry, Villanova University, Pennsylvania (US)
Maria Colurcio, University of Catanzaro
Andrew Crane, School of Management, University of Bath (UK)
Bo Edvardsson, Karlstads Universitet (Sweden)
Michael Haenlein, ESCP Paris (France)
Irene Henriques, York University (Canada)
Emanuele Invernizzi, IULM University of Milan
Philip Kitchen, Salford University Business School (UK)
Alberto Mattiacci, Sapienza University of Rome
Guido Palazzo, Université de Lausanne (Suisse)
Roberto Parente, University of Salerno
Luca Pellegrini, IULM University of Milan
Tonino Pencarelli, Carlo Bo University of Urbino
Francesco Perrini, Bocconi University of Milan
Elita Schillaci, University of Catania
Paola Signori, University of Verona
Barbara Stoettinger, University of Vienna (Austria)
Antonio Tencati, University of Brescia
Alfonso Vargas Sánchez, University of Huelva (Spain)
Tiziano Vescovi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Donata Vianelli, University of Trieste

Organization and editorial staff

Angelo Bonfanti, Fabio Cassia and Nicola Cobelli, University of Verona
Laura Ciarmela (
Adele Ferragamo (
Luana Gallotta (
Anna Mallamaci (
Ada Rossi (

Registration and invoicing

Annalisa Andriolo (

Call for papers
 Full Paper – Template (English)
 Full Paper – Template (Italian)
 Extended Abstract – Template (English)
 Extended Abstract – Template (Italian)