
Sinergie-SIMA 2020 Conference

Are you planning to travel to Pisa for the conference?

6 august 2020

Our Sinergie SIMA Management conference should have been held in Pisa in 2020.

However, Covid virus is still active and has the potential to cause problems. University of Pisa will host the virtual conference, probably using Google Meet as the main communication platform.

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to welcome all conference delegates in Pisa on September 7th and 8th. A limited group of organizers and of SIMA board members will be present to facilitate the activities, following the distancing measures.

We warmly invite other participants, for this year, to attend the conference only online and not to travel to Pisa.

Please register at

You will receive access to online video contents and materials and links to the conference live sessions, both plenary and parallel.

Thank you for your collaboration! We wish you happy summer holidays. See you soon online.

The Conference Chairs

Sinergie Sima Management Conference 2020