Does industry change affect strategic, governance, and financial configurations of private hospital providers? A survey of Italian private healthcare organizations
Does industry change affect strategic, governance, and financial configurations of private hospital providers? A survey of Italian private healthcare organizations
ALESSANDRA BELFIORE - MASSIMO ARIA - CORRADO CUCCURULLOObjectives. The National Health Service, for years, has been affected by a profound evolution of institutional structures, due to the search for greater economic sustainability. In the last decade, ten Regions are or have been affected by the Health Deficit Return Plans, while the remaining ten Regions have initiated processes of greater centralization of health choices and policies, with the aim of rebalancing the system’s hospital-centered vision. In this sense, even accredited private hospitals have been affected by a variety of pressures, both financially and from a regulatory standpoint, which feed a progressive sectoral concentration (Cuccurullo et al., 2017). The accredited private nursing homes now have 30.2% of the beds of the overall hospital offer (Lega et al., 2018). They are particular companies, being private but operating in a regulated sector, and are therefore subject to the dynamics and rules of public systems (Carbone 2013). Moreover, they tend to be small (only 12% exceed 200 beds) with concentrated ownership (typically family business), so with greater difficulties they face the sectoral transition. Only recently are they the subject of attention by the academic world, in particular in terms of company size and activities with the use of qualitative methods, such as case studies. The economic-financial configuration is little explored, together with the governance structures and the strategic ones. The purpose of this work is to bridge this gap with the help of a quantitative-statistical method, analyzing the evolution of the strategic, governance and financial configurations of Italian nursing homes over the last decade.
Indeed, our research questions are:
- RQ 1. Which financial aspects best explain the variability among private hospitals?
- RQ 2. What are the main configurations of private hospitals?
- RQ 3. How have these configurations changed over time? (2008; 2012; 2016)
#Economic Performance #financial profile #Private hospital #PTA