Exploring social media engagement in cross-cultural perspective: a systematic literature review
Exploring social media engagement in cross-cultural perspective: a systematic literature review
Mariapina Trunfio, Simona RossiSocial media has become a global phenomenon involving individuals from different countries that interact and participate in diverse debates, including product branding, political and civic issues, etc. Social media engagement represented a key topic in marketing research (Barger et al., 2016; Peltier et al., 2020) and hot issues for practitioners. In the last decades, the spread of social media platforms has shifted how consumers interact with brands across country boundaries redefining how people co-create meaning in the virtual space and experience with the brand. Due to their co-creative, collaborative and user-centered nature, social media enable consumers to become influential gatekeepers and producers of brand-related content (Muntinga et al., 2011).
#China #cross-cultural management #democracy #social media engagement #Wechat