Green Enablers and disablers in fashion green luxury consumption
Green Enablers and disablers in fashion green luxury consumption
Monica Faraoni, Lamberto Zollo, Raffaele FilieriSustainability has become a topic of major interest in all areas of consumption. However, still today there is no consensus among scholars about the meaning of sustainability in the context of luxury (Dean, 2018). The conflicts between luxury and sustainability are made clear “by the association of luxury consumption with ostentation, excessive consumption, overproduction, indulgence and personal pleasure” (Athwal et al., 2019, p. 407) while sustainability consumption is generally coupled with moderation and ethical values (Naderi and Strutton 2015). Some researchers underlined how it would seem natural to ascertain the irrelevance of sustainability in the world of luxury (Davies and Streit 2013; Henninger et al. 2017; Hu et al. 2018; Joy et al. 2012; Ko and Megehee 2012). ….
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