Industry 4.0: challenge or opportunity for social sustainability in firms?

Sustainability (SIMA)

Industry 4.0: challenge or opportunity for social sustainability in firms?

Michela Piccarozzi, Barbara Aquilani


The term Industry 4.0, which is currently widely used worldwide, refers to a series of technological innovations that in recent years have above all transformed industry and businesses.

Lasi et al. (2014, p. 240) affirm that “Industry 4.0 collectively refers to a wide range of current concepts” such as for instance: Internet of Things, smart factory, cyber physical systems, new systems in distribution and procurement, new systems in the development of products and services, adaptation to human needs and also Corporate Social Responsibility.

This is a recent topic that is progressively developing in numerous fields of study, including the managerial one (Piccarozzi et al., 2018).



#impact #Industry 4.0 #social sustainability #Sustainable Development #systematic literature review