Towards the platformization of education: an explorative analysis
Towards the platformization of education: an explorative analysis
Silvia Cosimato, Sergio Barile, Luca Carrubbo, Roberto VonaEducation is globally undergoing critical changes, due to the fast technological development further accelerated by the current Covid-19 pandemic. To face the challenge coming from these disruptive phenomena, society is going towards the so-called platformization or “the socio-technical process of transforming a large-scale IS towards a platform architecture” (Törmer and Henningsson, 2020, p.3). This concept refers to the opening of architectural and governance control points, which makes platforms extensible and able to be used in different domains (Constantinides 2018; de Reuver et al, 2018; Plantin et al. 2018).
#Agumented Intelligence (AUI) Education #Covid-19 #Digital platform #Platformization