Antimarketing dei musei italiani?

Considering that the destination and the property of almost all the Italian museums are public and that they belong to the category of “merit goods”, we analyse the possibilities of product and process innovation, in order to approach the greater number of people and in the best way to the “consumption” of culture, trying to get the best financial result in line with such objectives. Obviously we cannot uncritically apply the methods and the paradigms encoded for commercial companies to the public and cultural services. An empirical analysis, which is not compromised by preconceived models, would show that the museum ability to satisfy its own consumers succeeds in promoting the visit of other museums, widening the general market and that of each institute. It is more and more necessary to recognize the possible advantage we can implicity find in the local character of the Italian museums collections and in the history of their constitution. Since our notion of “cultural good is not analytical-summatory, but is systemic and, therefore, has a territorial extension and a wide anthropological meaning, we examine the inherent opportunities in the strategy of the museum-cultural good, articulated in those of the museum-square, museum-net, museum-territory and museum-compensation.

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