La componente culturale del prodotto turistico integrato: la creazione di valore per il territorio attraverso i musei locali
This work examines the possibilities of distribution of the cultural tourism during the whole year in less known peripheral areas characterized by a widely diffused cultural heritage and a scarce monumental importance, in order to reduce the negative externalities due to the concentration of tourism in the traditional circuits of the big art cities and, particularly, during certain seasons. From the analysis of the existing and potential tourist demand, we want to verify whether the current cultural offer is able to catch and adequately satisfy a more and more large and composite demand for knowledge. We try to find the limits of the exploitation strategies of the cultural capital which have been followed up to now, in comparison with the opportunities inherent in the features of the Italian cultural heritage.
In particular, considering the new concepts of culture and cultural good and focusing the attention on the strategic value of the places, we analyze the decisive role of the local museums both in the production and in the organization of the territorial cultural and tourist offer.