

Effects of customer education in terms of customer perceived value: the role of customer evaluation skills

Purpose of the paper: The aim of this study is to propose a theoretically grounded conceptual framework focusing on the effects of customer education process in terms of customer perceived value. In doing so, it especially highlights the role of customer evaluation skills. Methodology: This is a conceptual paper whose analytical approach draws heavily on...


The financial unsustainability of the Italian public health care system

Purpose of the paper: Health and sustainability have become an almost indissoluble unity of analysis in all advanced health care systems. We ask the research question if the Italian enduring recession will affect the economic and financial sustainability of Government health financing in the period 2014-2018. Methodology: We have adapted the theoretical framework of economic...


L'incidenza della professionalità sul valore percepito dal cliente e sulla sua soddisfazione durante il service encounter

Obiettivo del paper: Il lavoro propone un framework concettuale per comprendere come la professionalit(variabile esplicativa) incida sul valore percepito dal cliente e sul suo livello di soddisfazione (variabili esplicate). Metodologia: Lanalisi poggia essenzialmente sulla review della letteratura in tema di professionalit considerando il filone di ricerca del service human resource management. Risultati: Il paper chiarisce...


Service quality kaizen blitz: the road to improving customer satisfaction

Purpose of the paper: The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate that university faculty may rapidly deploy valuable ideas derived from academic research to assist in business improvement. Methodology: Participatory action research. Findings: This project determined that, at the retail level, ISO registered companies do not support the customer satisfaction measures required by the...


Comunicazione e competizione, due elementi per un'integrazione del modello dei gap sulla qualità dei servizi

Obiettivo del paper: Larticolo offre unanalisi critica del modello dei Gap/SERVQUAL proposto da Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry alla fine degli anni Ottanta. Partendo dai contributi accademici esistenti, il lavoro analizza limpatto di un approccio integrato dei flussi di comunicazione e delle dinamiche competitive sul modello dei Gap, superandone la visione prevalentemente introspettiva e considerando le...


Quality and non-quality in the health sector

The cost of quality has long been the subject of studies in the industrial sector but only recently has it been investigated in the service sector and little in the health sector. Starting from the hypothesis that quality defects concern and the management and the operations of medical establishments while impacting the quality of medical...


Linking citizens ratings to services quality improvements: An empirical analysis and some potential solutions

The New Public Management paradigm strongly relies on a commitment to performance measurement along with citizen orientation. In this perspective, both objective quality assessments and citizens perceived (subjective) quality ratings should become inputs for decision-making. Anyway according to available literature, it is still not clear if and how citizen evaluations can be effectively translated into...


Assessing service quality in a municipality: A study based on the perceptions of citizens and frontline employees

Public Administration Reforms have consistently been promoting the adoption of Quality Management approaches. Assessing the quality of the services provided using well-established frameworks is, in this regard, of particular importance. Given its wide acceptance and broad validity, the SERVPERF instrument was adopted in this study as basis to develop our measurement scales. However, not only...


Real service quality: Examining the links between value adding and service quality, and the implications for service improvement

The research follows progress with various quality initiatives over a period of the last 10 years within the financial services industry. The purpose of this paper is to identify what may be critical factors in success and failure for improvement programmes. A survey was conducted among managers and staff engaged in improvement initiatives following European...
