
Sinergie-SIMA 2020 Conference

Submission and peer review process

Paper and extended abstract submission

Originality: Only unpublished papers that have not been submitted for publication or that have not been already published as conference proceedings will be considered for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the subsequent conference proceedings.

At the time of submission, authors must certify the originality of their work.

Full paper submission Paper submissions for the Sinergie-SIMA conference should be formatted using the word conference template published online at Papers should be a maximum of 10.000 words and should include the following information:

  • Title
  • Author(s) qualifications, scientific discipline, email address and mobile phone number – this information is for the exclusive use of Sinergie’s administration
  • Contributorship statement in the case of co-authored papers
  • Acknowledgements
  • References to the research on which the paper is based
  • Structured abstract (no more than 250 words) containing the following information: objectives of the paper, methodology, findings, practical implications, limitations of the research and originality
  • Key words
  • References

To assure quality of editing, especially of tables, graphs and figures, it is recommended to use a Microsoft Word format, even if compatible formats are accepted. File in .bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif formats can create problems in editing. If possible, please avoid these formats and provide files containing additional tables and graphs in their original format (e.g., xls). Footnotes should be used only for comments, to provide more detail or not alternative considerations; they should not contain bibliographic information.

It is recommended to avoid changes in the title of the paper and in the composition of the authors, once submission is completed.

Extended abstract submission

The extended abstracts may be in the form of a report on a completed research project or a description of an ongoing or near completed research project. The conference will provide a valuable opportunity to benefit from debate among peers: thus, extended abstracts describing ongoing research projects must clearly identify their conceptual development, objectives and methodological frameworks. Also, authors must indicate clearly that the research is “work-in-progress”. Extended abstracts should be a maximum of 5.000 words and a minimum of 3.500 words. For editing rules, please follow Full Paper submission rules. Please name the file “EA+name”, to facilitate its tracing as an extended abstract.

Full papers and extended abstracts, together with originality declarations, should be sent as email attachments to Laura Ciarmela, editorial staff member of Sinergie, at

Peer review process

For full papers
Papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process in order to evaluate the possibility to include them in the Referred Conference Proceedings, to be selected for publication in Sinergie Italian Management and to be awarded in the conference. After the peer review, papers may be accepted outright, or accepted subject to revision based on reviewers’ suggestions, or moved down to extended abstract or rejected. Authors of papers that require revision based on reviewers’ suggestions will have time to make the necessary revisions/improvements and to resubmit the amended version of the paper. This will be subjected to editorial review, after which author(s) will receive notification of the final evaluation.

For extended abstracts
The Scientific Committee will evaluate the extended abstracts.
The same procedure will be used to evaluate full papers if the authors explicitly waive publication in the Referred Conference Proceedings.


Full papers and extended abstracts, together with declarations (, should be sent as email attachments to Laura Ciarmela, editorial staff member of Sinergie, at

ITA – IA template

ITA – Full Paper – Template

ITA – Extended abstract – Template

ENG – IA template

ENG – Full Paper – Template

ENG – Extended Abstract – Template