

L'industria manifatturiera italiana: le sfide e il coraggio. Evidenze dal caso Fiat

Purpose of the paper: This article aims to highlight the role that the virtue of courage can play in entrepreneurship, especially as far as the new challenges regarding the problems of adaptation of the Italian manufacturing firms are concerned. In particular, the article underlines the synergy between courage, knowledge and time. Methodology: The article analyzes...


Foreign acquisitions of Italian medium-sized companies from MNEs

Purpose of the paper: Italy is one of the most attractive European destinations for FDI inflows worldwide. It has witnessed a rapid increase in mergers and acquisitions, to the point of overcoming the EU 15 mean in the years 2008-2013 (with the exception of 2012) (UNCTAD, 2014). The question of whether governments should foster foreign...


L'impresa Pedrollo Spa tra innovazione, tecnologia e sostenibilità

Claudio Baccarani intervista Silvano Pedrollo, Presidente della Pedrollo Spa L’Ing. Silvano Pedrollo il presidente della Pedrollo SpA azienda nata nel 1974 che ha da poco festeggiato i 40 anni. localizzata nella zona di San Bonifacio – Soave nella provincia di Verona, lavora nel mondo dei mezzi di sollevamento.


Leadership, competenze e coraggio per il rilancio della microelettronica in Italia

Mauro Gatti intervista Sergio Galbiati, Presidente e Co-CEO di LFoundry Italia LFoundry, limpresa di cui il Dott. Galbiati Presidente e Co-CEO, opera in un settore molto complesso, quello dei semiconduttori (microelettronica); un settore che, va detto, dovrebbe essere di importanza strategica per ogni Paese, ma che ha visto invece lItalia – e forse lintera Europa...


Cera una volta. Racconti d'imprese storiche della manifattura campana

Purpose of the paper: The main aim of this paper is to analyze the content of the stories of some long-lived companies in order to identify recurring elements and examine the rhetoric used in the narrative. Methodology: The empirical research is based on the statistical-lexical analysis of twelve stories of manufacturing firms belonging to an...


Manufacturing and work organization: occurrences and recurrences in industrial evolution

Purpose of the paper: Considering the renewed interest in manufacturing, the paper offers a reinterpretation of the co-evolution between the production system and work organization in the manufacturing sector. Methodology: The paper examines the evolution of the relationships between manufacturing and work organization through a reasoned review of the existing literature. Findings: The article identifies...


Il back-reshoring manifatturiero nei processi di internazionalizzazione: inquadramento teorico ed evidenze empiriche

Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to identify an operational definition for the back-reshoring and to characterize such an emerging phenomenon. Methodology: We adopted an exploratory research methodology, which is useful to develop research hypotheses, even if obtained results are not generalizable to the population at large. Findings: We offered a...


Entrepreneurship and growth of small family firms. Evidence from a sample of the artistic craftsmen of Florence

Purpose of the paper: Entrepreneurship by craftsmen is essential for the growth of small artistic – artisan family firms. In these firms, entrepreneurship is influenced by the inherent characteristics of the craftsman as well as by the number of generations involved in the firm. We suggest that these variables affect both entrepreneurship and firm growth....


Strategic reactions of Italian firms to globalization under the EMU

Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to investigate the strategic choices of Italian firms in response to globalization under the European Monetary Union. Methodology: Firms are classified into four groups according to their productive efficiency and productivity dynamics. The probability of the firms to fall into each category is estimated using a multinomial logit...
