Sustainability in supply chain management - a literature review
Purpose of the paper: This paper aims to identify the main features of sustainability in supply chain management studies.
Methodology: A systematic literature review was conducted, taking 41 papers published from 2007 to 2014 into account.
Findings: 41 articles coherent with the research question were identified, with the key issues being highlighted for each one. A fundamental aspect investigated in the literature on sustainability in supply chain management was the performance that concerned all members along the supply chain in a collaborative approach.
Research limits: This study could be further explored through a deeper empirical analysis of sustainability in supply chain management.
Practical implications: Both academics and practitioners may find this literature review useful, as it highlights the main features of sustainability in supply chain management studies. Of particular importance is the performance measurement of sustainability, which has positive feedback on business performance, and its ability to create competitive advantage.
Originality of the paper: A great number of interesting topics related to sustainability in supply chain management have arisen and are worth deepening. These can be profitably extended by academics and developed in various application areas of managerial interest.